Other Versions: This is not a fable I know from any other source, although it is absolutely delightful! Does anyone know of other versions of this story?
Aeger et implumis · fractusque senilibus annis,
clam rapuit pullos || vultur edax aquilae;
Eius et in nido · iacuit veteranus, ut illic
pro pullis aleret || nescia mater eum.
Contigit ut voluit sibi, · nempe diu latitavit;
fallax nutricem || servus habet dominam.
Crescentis mirata moras, · tristissima nutrix
hunc voluit nido || pellere saepe suo.
Obstitit incepto pietas, · ignaraque fraudis
naturae totas || imputat illa moras.
Forte die quadam, · dum volvit magna repente
tempestas, mundum || terruit et tonitrus,
Sub quercu iacuit · Iovis armiger, aeris omnis
donec transiret || impetus atque minae;
Imbribus ut pulsis · rediit lux fervida solis,
clamavit, pennas || excutiens madidas:
Non est visa mihi · tempestas tam violenta,
aetas saepe licet || sit renovata mea.
Longe maiorem vidi, · respondit ineptus
vultur, et, his dictis, || mox trepidus latuit.
Respondisse ferunt aquilam: · Cum nemo priorem
gignere se possit, || me prior esse potes!
Exi; responde, · quid quaeris, inepte, latere,
cum sis ipse tuo || proditus indicio?
Nil respondentem, · sed adhuc latitare putantem,
nido detractum || dilaniavit eum.
Tempore nec longo · laetatur proditione;
mortem quam pullis || intulit, ipse subit.
Vulturis exemplo · linguam frenare memento,
tu quicumque gravis || conscius es sceleris.
Prose paraphrase:
aeger et implumis,
et senilibus annis fractus,
clam aquilae pullos rapuit;
et in eius nido
veteranus iacuit,
ut illic
mater nescia
eum aleret
pro pullis.
ut sibi voluit,
nempe diu latitavit;
servus fallax
dominam nutricem habet.
Nutrix tristissima,
crescentis moras mirata,
nido suo hunc pellere saepe voluit.
incepto obstitit,
et illa, fraudis ignara,
moras totas
naturae imputat.
Forte die quadam,
dum repente
magna tempestas volvit,
et tonitrus
mundum terruit,
Iovis armiger
sub quercu iacuit ,
aeris omnis impetus
atque minae;
ut solis lux fervida
imbribus pulsis,
pennas madidas excutiens:
mihi non visa est
tam violenta,
licet saepe
aetas mea renovata sit.
Vultur ineptus respondit:
Longe maiorem vidi;
et, his dictis,
mox trepidus latuit.
aquilam respondisse:
Cum nemo possit
priorem se gignere,
prior me esse!
Exi! Responde!
cum ipse proditus sis
tuo indicio,
quid latere quaeris?
Nil respondentem,
sed adhuc latitare putantem,
nido detractum
eum dilaniavit.
Et non longo tempore
proditione laetatur;
ipse mortem subit
quam pullis intulit.
Exemplo vulturis,
linguam frenare memento,
tu quicumque
sceleris gravis conscius es.
Image. Here's an illustration for the fable (image source) showing a bedraggled vulture:
Word list thanks to NoDictionaries.com:
Aeger et implumis · fractusque senilibus annis,
aeger sick/ill, infirm; unsound, injured; painful, grievous; corrupt; sad/sorrowful
et and, and even; also, even
implumis unfledged
frango break, shatter, crush; dishearten, subdue, weaken; move, discourage
senilis senile, aged
annus year; age, time of life; year's produce; circuit, course
clam rapuit pullos || vultur edax aquilae;
clam without knowledge of, unknown to; concealed/secret from
rapio drag off; snatch; destroy; seize, carry off; pillage; hurry
pullus chicken, young hen
vultur vulture
edax greedy, rapacious, voracious, gluttonous; devouring, consuming, destructive
aquila eagle; gable/pediment; kind of fish
Eius et in nido · iacuit veteranus, ut illic
is he/she/it/they; DEMONST: that, he/she/it, they/them
et and, and even; also, even
in into; about, in the mist of; according to, after; for; to, among
nidus nest
jaceo lie; lie down; lie ill/in ruins/prostrate/dead; sleep; be situated
veteranus old, veteran
ut to, in order that/to; how, as, when, while; even if
illic in that place, there, over there
pro pullis aleret || nescia mater eum.
pro on behalf of; before; in front/instead of; for; about; according to; as, like
pullus chicken, young hen
alo feed, nourish, rear, nurse, suckle; cherish; support, maintain, develop
nescius unaware, not knowing, ignorant
mater mother, foster mother; lady, matron; origin, source, motherland, mother city
is he/she/it/they; DEMONST: that, he/she/it, they/them
Contigit ut voluit sibi, · nempe diu latitavit;
contingo touch; reach; border on, be connected with; affect, hit; take hold, seize
ut to, in order that/to; how, as, when, while; even if
volo wish, want, prefer; be willing, will
se reflexive; -self
nempe truly, certainly, of course
diu a long/considerable time/while; long since
latito keep hiding oneself, remain in hiding, be hidden; lie low; lurk
fallax nutricem || servus habet dominam.
fallax deceitful, treacherous; misleading, deceptive; false, fallacious; spurious
nutrix nurse
servus slave; servant
habeo have, hold, consider, think, reason; manage, keep; spend/pass
domina mistress of a family, wife; lady, lady-love; owner
Crescentis mirata moras, · tristissima nutrix
cresco come forth/to be; arise/spring; be born; become visible/great; grow
miror be amazed/surprised/bewildered; look in wonder/awe/admiration at
moveo move, stir, agitate, affect, provoke, disturb
tristis sad, sorrowful; gloomy;
nutrix nurse
hunc voluit nido || pellere saepe suo.
hic this; these
volo wish, want, prefer; be willing, will
nidus nest
pello beat; drive out; push; banish, strike, defeat, drive away, rout
saep eoften, oft, oftimes, many times, frequently
suus his/one's, her, hers, its; their, theirs
Obstitit incepto pietas, · ignaraque fraudis
obsto oppose, hinder
inceptum beginning, undertaking
pietas responsibility, sense of duty; loyalty; tenderness, goodness; pity; piety
ignarus ignorant; unaware, having no experience of; senseless; strange
fraus fraud; trickery, deceit; imposition, offense, crime; delusion
naturae totas || imputat illa moras.
natura nature; birth; character
totus whole, all, entire, total, complete; every part; all together/at once
imputo charge, enter as debt/credit; take into account; impute, ascribe; lay to charge
ille that; those; also DEMONST; that person/thing; the well known; the former
mora delay, hindrance, obstacle; pause
Forte die quadam, · dum volvit magna repente
fors chance; luck, fortune; accident
dies day; daylight; open sky; weather
quidam a certain thing
dum while, as long as, until; provided that
volo wish, want, prefer; be willing, will
magnus large/great/big/vast/huge; much; powerful; tall/long/broad; extensive/spacious
repente suddenly, unexpectedly
tempestas, mundum || terruit et tonitrus,
tempestas season, time, weather; storm
mundus universe, heavens; world, mankind; toilet/dress, ornament, decoration
terreo frighten, scare, terrify, deter
et and, and even; also, even
tonitrus thunder
Sub quercu iacuit · Iovis armiger, aeris omnis
sub under; up to, up under, close to; until, before, up to, about
quercus oak, oak-tree; oak wood/timber/object; oak leaf garland; sea-oak
jaceo lie; lie down; lie ill/in ruins/prostrate/dead; sleep; be situated
Juppiter Jupiter; heavens/sky
armiger bearing arms, armed; warlike, martial, of war/fighting; producing armed men
aer air; atmosphere, sky; cloud, mist, weather; breeze; odor
omnis each, every, every one; all; all/the whole of
donec transiret || impetus atque minae;
donec while, as long as, until
transeo go over, cross
impetus attack, assault, charge; attempt; impetus, vigor; violent mental urge, fury
atque and, as well/soon as; together with; and moreover/even; and too/also/now; yet
mina threats (pl.), menaces; warning signs, evil omens/pronostications
Imbribus ut pulsis · rediit lux fervida solis,
imber rain, shower, storm; shower of liquid/snow/hail/missiles; water
ut to, in order that/to; how, as, when, while; even if
pello beat; drive out; push; banish, strike, defeat, drive away, rout
redeo return, go back, give back; fall back on, revert to; respond, pay back
lux light, daylight, light of day; life; world; day
fervidus glowing; boiling hot; fiery, torrid, roused, fervid; hot blooded
sol sun
clamavit, pennas || excutiens madidas:
clamo proclaim, declare; cry/shout out; shout/call name of; accompany with shouts
penna feather, wing
excutio shake out or off; cast out; search, examine
madidus wet, moist; dripping, juicy; sodden, drenched; drunk, tipsy; steeped in
Non est visa mihi · tempestas tam violenta,
non not, by no means, no
sum be; exist
video see, look at; consider; seem, seem good, appear, be seen
ego I
tempesta sseason, time, weather; storm
tam so, so much; to such an extent/degree; nevertheless, all the same
violentus violent, vehement, impetuous, boisterous
aetas saepe licet || sit renovata mea.
aetas lifetime, age, generation; period; stage, period of life, time, era
saepe often, oft, oftimes, many times, frequently
licet although, granted that
sum be; exist
renovo renew, restore; revive
meus my; mine, of me, belonging to me; my own; to me
Longe maiorem vidi, · respondit ineptus
longe far, distant, a long way; by far; for a long while, far
magnus large/great/big/vast/huge; much; powerful; tall/long/broad; extensive/spacious
video see, look at; consider; seem, seem good, appear, be seen
respondeo answer
ineptus silly, foolish; having no sense of what is fitting
vultur, et, his dictis, || mox trepidus latuit.
vultur vulture
et and, and even; also, even
hic this; these
dictum words/utterance/remark; one's word/promise; saying/maxim; bon mot, witticism
mox soon, next
trepidus nervous, jumpy, agitated; perilous, alarming, frightened; boiling, foaming
lateo lie hidden, lurk; live a retired life, escape notice
Respondisse ferunt aquilam: · Cum nemo priorem
respondeo answer
fero bring, bear; tell/speak of; consider; carry off, win, receive, produce; get
aquila eagle; gable/pediment; kind of fish
cum with, together/jointly/along/simultaneous with, amid; supporting; attached
nemo no one, nobody
prior ahead, in front, leading; previous, earlier, preceding, prior; former; basic
gignere se possit, || me prior esse potes!
gigno give birth to, bring forth, bear; beget; be born
se reflexive; -self
possum be able, can
ego I
prior ahead, in front, leading; previous, earlier, preceding, prior; former; basic
sum be; exist
possum be able, can
Exi; responde, · quid quaeris, inepte, latere,
exeo come/go/sail/march/move out/forth/away, leave; pass, expire/perish/die
respondeo answer
quid why
quaero search for, seek, strive for; obtain; ask, inquire, demand
ineptus silly, foolish; having no sense of what is fitting
lateo lie hidden, lurk; live a retired life, escape notice
cum sis ipse tuo || proditus indicio?
cum with, together/jointly/along/simultaneous with, amid; supporting; attached
sum be; exist
ipse himself/herself/itself; the very/real/actual one; in person; themselves
tuus your
prodo project, thrust forward; bring forth, produce, give birth to; create; nominate
indicium evidence; information, proof; indication
Nil respondentem, · sed adhuc latitare putantem,
niln othing; no; trifle/thing not worth mentioning; nonentity; nonsense; no concern
respondeo answer
sed but, but also; yet; however, but in fact/truth; not to mention; yes but
adhuc thus far, till now, to this point; hitherto; yet, as yet; still; besides
latito keep hiding oneself, remain in hiding, be hidden; lie low; lurk
puto think, believe, suppose, hold; reckon, estimate, value; clear up, settle
nido detractum || dilaniavit eum.
nidus nest
detraho drag/pull/strip/take down/away/off; remove; exclude, omit, cut out; subtract
dilanio tear to pieces; shred; rend/pull asunder
is he/she/it/they; DEMONST: that, he/she/it, they/them
Tempore nec longo · laetatur proditione;
tempus time, condition, right time; season, occasion; necessity
nec nor, and..not; not..either, not even
longu slong; tall; tedious, taking long time; boundless; far; of specific length/time
laetor be glad/joyful/delighted; rejoice; be fond, delight in; flourish
proditio treason, betrayal
mortem quam pullis || intulit, ipse subit.
mors death; corpse; annihilation
qui who, which
pullus chicken, young hen
infero bring/carry in, import; advance, bring/march/step/move foward; impel, urge
ipse himself/herself/itself; the very/real/actual one; in person; themselves
subeo go/move/pass/sink/extend underneath/into; climb/come/go up, ascend; steal in on
Vulturis exemplo · linguam frenare memento,
vultur vulture
exemplum example, sample, specimen; instance; precedent, case; warning, deterrent
lingua tongue; speech, language; dialect
freno brake, curb, restrain, check
memento remember; be mindful of
tu quicumque gravis || conscius es sceleris.
tu you
quicumque who/whatever, no matter who/what, in any time/way, however small
gravis heavy; painful; important; serious; pregnant; grave, oppressive, burdensome
conscius conscious, aware of, knowing, privy; sharing knowledge; guilty
sum be; exist
scelus crime; calamity; wickedness, sin, evil deed
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