Other Versions: See Perry 575.
De grege paulatim · maiorem quemque lanista
cornibus ablato || dilaniabat eo.
Hic me non tangit, dicebat quisque relictus:
sic nullus socio || ferre volebat opem.
Unus iam solus · restabat de grege toto;
hic quoque mactandus || dum traheretur, ait:
Iure gregem totum · laniasti, saeve lanista;
ad mortem merito || nunc quoque ducor ego:
Nam dum de medio · gregis unumquemque trahebas,
si te quisque suis || cornibus appeteret,
Salvus grex, et ego · nunc essem, tuque perisses;
nunc, quia non tulimus, || iure caremus ope.
Admonet haec propriis · vicini occurrere damnis,
tutus ut alterius || fiat et alter ope.
Prose paraphrase:
quemque cornibus maiorem
de grege eo ablato.
Dicebat quisque relictus:
Hic me non tangit.
Sic nullus
socio opem ferre volebat.
Iam unus solus
de grege toto restabat;
dum hic quoque
traheretur mactandus,
Lanista saeve,
gregem totum laniasti;
nunc ego quoque
ad mortem ducor:
dum unumquemque
de gregis medio trahebas,
si quisque
cornibus suis
te appeteret,
salvus grex et ego essem,
et tu perisses;
quia non tulimus,
ope caremus.
Haec admonet
damnis vicini propriis occurrere,
ut tutus fiat
et alter alterius ope.
Image. Here's an illustration for the fable (image source) from a Renaissance edition of Aesop:

Word list thanks to NoDictionaries.com:
De grege paulatim · maiorem quemque lanista
de down/away from, from, off; about, of, concerning; according to; with regard to
grex flock, herd; crowd; company, crew; people/animals assembled; set/faction/class
paulatim little by little, by degrees, gradually; a small amount at a time, bit by bit
magnus large/great/big/vast/huge; much; powerful; tall/long/broad; extensive/spacious
quisque each, each one; every, everybody, everything; whatever
lanista butcher (classical Latin: laniarius)
cornibus ablato || dilaniabat eo.
cornu horn; hoof; beak/tusk/claw; bow; horn/trumpet; end, wing of army; mountain top
aufero bear/carry/take/fetch/sweep/snatch away/off, remove, withdraw; steal, obtain
dilanio tear to pieces;
is he/she/it/they; DEMONST: that, he/she/it, they/them
Hic me non tangit, dicebat quisque relictus:
hic this; these
ego I
non not, by no means, no
tango touch, strike; border on, influence; mention
dico say, declare, state; allege, declare positively; assert; plead
quisque each, each one; every, everybody, everything; whatever
relictus forsaken, abandoned, derelict; left untouched
sic nullus socio || ferre volebat opem.
sic thus, so; as follows; in another way; in such a way
nullus no; none, not any
socius sharing; associated; allied
fero bring, bear; tell/speak of; consider; carry off, win, receive, produce; get
volo wish, want, prefer; be willing, will
ops power, might; help; influence; resources/wealth
Unus iam solus · restabat de grege toto;
unus alone, a single/sole; some, some one; only; one set of
jam now, already, by/even now; besides
solus only, single; lonely; alone, having no companion/friend/protector; unique
resto stand firm; stay behind; be left, be left over; remain
de down/away from, from, off; about, of, concerning; according to; with regard to
grex flock, herd; crowd; company, crew; people/animals assembled; set/faction/class
totus whole, all, entire, total, complete; every part; all together/at once
hic quoque mactandus || dum traheretur, ait:
hict his; these
quoque likewise/besides/also/too; not only; even/actually
macto magnify, honor; sacrifice; slaughter, destroy
dum while, as long as, until; provided that
traho draw, drag, haul; derive, get
aio say, assert; say yes/so, affirm, assent; prescribe/lay down
Iure gregem totum · laniasti, saeve lanista;
jus law; legal system; code; right; duty; justice; court; binding decision; oath
grex flock, herd; crowd; company, crew; people/animals assembled; set/faction/class
totus whole, all, entire, total, complete; every part; all together/at once
lanio tear, mangle, mutilate, pull to pieces;
saevus savage; fierce/ferocious; violent/wild/raging; cruel, harsh, severe; vehement
lanista butcher (classical Latin: laniarius)
ad mortem merito || nunc quoque ducor ego:
ad to, up to, towards; near, at; until, on, by; almost; according to; about w/NUM
mors death; corpse; annihilation
merito deservedly; rightly
nunc now, today, at present
quoque likewise/besides/also/too; not only; even/actually
duco lead, command; think, consider, regard; prolong
ego I
Nam dum de medio · gregis unumquemque trahebas,
nam for, on the other hand; for instance
dum while, as long as, until; provided that
de down/away from, from, off; about, of, concerning; according to; with regard to
medius middle, middle of, mid; common, neutral, ordinary, moderate; ambiguous
grex flock, herd; crowd; company, crew; people/animals assembled; set/faction/class
unusquisque each one
traho draw, drag, haul; derive, get
si te quisque suis || cornibus appeteret,
si if, if only; whether
tu you
quisque each, each one; every, everybody, everything; whatever
suus his/one's, her, hers, its; their, theirs
cornu horn; hoof; beak/tusk/claw; bow; horn/trumpet; end, wing of army; mountain top
appeto seek/grasp after, desire; assail; strive eagerly/long for; approach, near
Salvus grex, et ego · nunc essem, tuque perisses;
salvus well, unharmed, sound; alive; safe, saved
grex flock, herd; crowd; company, crew; people/animals assembled; set/faction/class
et and, and even; also, even
ego I
nunc now, today, at present
sum be; exist
tu you
pereo die, pass away; be ruined, be destroyed; go to waste
nunc, quia non tulimus, || iure caremus ope.
nunc now, today, at present
quia because
non not, by no means, no
fero bring, bear; tell/speak of; consider; carry off, win, receive, produce; get
jure by right, rightly, with justice; justly, deservedly
careo be without/absent from/devoid of/free from; miss; abstain from, lack, lose
ops power, might; help; influence; resources/wealth
Admonet haec propriis · vicini occurrere damnis,
admoneo admonish, remind, prompt; suggest, advise, raise; persuade, urge; warn, caution
hic this; these
proprius own, very own; individual; special, particular, characteristic
vicinus nearby, neighboring
occurro run to meet; oppose, resist; come to mind, occur
damnum financial/property/physical loss/damage/injury; forfeiture/fine; lost possessio
tutus ut alterius || fiat et alter ope.
tutus safe, prudent; secure; protected
ut to, in order that/to; how, as, when, while; even if
alter one; second/another; former/latter
fio happen, come about; result; take place, be held, occur, arise
eta nd, and even; also, even
alter one; second/another; former/latter
ops power, might; help; influence; resources/wealth
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