Other Versions: For variations on this fable, Perry 113.
Delphinum fugiens, qui sese pone fatigat,
Thunnus agi praeceps || coeperat inter aquas.
Maximus in terram · sic ut ferat impetus ambos,
Delphino moriens || hinc ita Thunnus ait:
Ergo cum pereas · uno discrimine mecum,
Non mea nunc adeo || mors mihi tristis erit.
Te necis auctorem · nostrae quia mutua perdunt
Fata, mori tecum || promptior esse velim.
Qui fert immerito · mala, tum patientior horum est,
Auctores pariter || cum videt illa pati.
Prose paraphrase:Delphinum fugiens, qui sese pone fatigat,
Thunnus agi praeceps || coeperat inter aquas.
Maximus in terram · sic ut ferat impetus ambos,
Delphino moriens || hinc ita Thunnus ait:
Ergo cum pereas · uno discrimine mecum,
Non mea nunc adeo || mors mihi tristis erit.
Te necis auctorem · nostrae quia mutua perdunt
Fata, mori tecum || promptior esse velim.
Qui fert immerito · mala, tum patientior horum est,
Auctores pariter || cum videt illa pati.
Delphinum fugiens,
qui pone sese fatigat,
inter aquas
praeceps agi coeperat,
ut impetus maximus
sic in terram ambos ferat,
Thunnus moriens
ita Delphino ait:
ergo cum mecum pereas
uno discrimine,
nunc adeo mea mors
non mihi tristis erit.
quia mutua fata
te, nostrae necis auctorem, perdunt,
mori tecum promptior esse velim.
qui immerito mala fert,
tum horum patientior est,
cum auctores videt
pariter illa pati.
Image. Here is the illustration of the fable (image source) from a 19th-century edition of the fables:

Word list thanks to NoDictionaries.com:
Delphinum fugiens, qui sese pone fatigat,
delphinus dolphin; ornament shaped like a dolphin; constellation
fugio flee, fly, run away; avoid, shun; go into exile
qui who, which
se reflexive; -self
pone behind
fatigo weary, tire, fatigue; harass; importune; overcome
Thunnus agi praeceps || coeperat inter aquas.
thunnus tuna fish
ago drive/urge/conduct/act; spend; thank; deliver
praeceps head first, headlong; steep, precipitous
coepio begin, commence, initiate; set foot on
inter between, among; during
aqua water; sea, lake; river, stream; rain, rainfall, rainwater; spa; urine
Maximus in terram sic ut ferat impetus ambos,
magnus large/great/big/vast/huge; much; powerful; tall/long/broad; extensive/spacious
in into; about, in the mist of; according to, after; for; to, among
terra earth, land, ground; country, region
sic thus, so; as follows; in another way; in such a way
ut to, in order that/to; how, as, when, while; even if
fero bring, bear; tell/speak of; consider; carry off, win, receive, produce; get
impetus attack, assault, charge; attempt; impetus, vigor; violent mental urge, fury
ambo both; two of pair; two considered together, both parties; each of two
Delphino moriens || hinc ita Thunnus ait:
delphinus dolphin; ornament shaped like a dolphin; constellation
morior die, expire, pass/die/wither away/out; fail, come to an end; decay
hinc from here, from this source/cause; hence, henceforth
ita thus, so; therefore
thunnus tuna fish
aio say, assert; say yes/so, affirm, assent; prescribe/lay down
Ergo cum pereas uno discrimine mecum,
ergo therefore; well, then, now
cum with, together/jointly/along/simultaneous with, amid; supporting; attached
pereo die, pass away; be ruined, be destroyed; go to waste
unus alone, a single/sole; some, some one; only; one set of
discrimen crisis, separating line, division; distinction, difference
ego I
Non mea nunc adeo || mors mihi tristis erit.
non not, by no means, no
meus my; mine, of me, belonging to me; my own; to me
nunc now, today, at present
adeo to such a degree/pass/point; precisely, exactly; thus far; indeed, truly, even
mors death; corpse; annihilation
ego I
tristis sad, sorrowful; gloomy
sum be; exist
Te necis auctorem nostrae quia mutua perdunt
tu you
nex death; murder
auctor seller, vendor; originator; historian; authority; proposer, supporter; founder
noster our
quia because
mutuus borrowed, lent; mutual, in return
perdo ruin, destroy; lose; waste
Fata, mori tecum || promptior esse velim.
fatum utterance, oracle; fate, destiny; natural term of life; doom, death, calamity
morior die, expire, pass/die/wither away/out; fail, come to an end; decay
tu you
promptus set forth, brought forward, manifest, disclosed; willing, ready, eager, quick
sum be; exist
volo wish, want, prefer; be willing, will
Qui fert immerito mala, tum patientior horum est,
qui who, which
fero bring, bear; tell/speak of; consider; carry off, win, receive, produce; get
immerito unjustly; without cause
malus bad, evil, wicked; ugly; unlucky
tum moreover
patiens patient/long-suffering; tolerant/easy-going; submissive/liable/susceptible to
hic this; these
sum be; exist
Auctores pariter || cum videt illa pati.
auctor seller, vendor; originator; historian; authority; proposer, supporter; founder
pariter equally; together
cum when, at the time/on each occasion/in the situation that; after; since/although
video see, look at; consider; seem, seem good, appear, be seen
ille that; those; also DEMONST; that person/thing; the well known; the former
patior suffer; allow; undergo, endure; permit
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